The Construction Leadership Council of Site Operating Procedures during Coronavirus, version 6 has been released.
Social Distancing
The current Government guidance is that social distancing of two metres should be maintained, or one mete plus with risk mitigation where two metres is not viable. Local COVID alert levels do not restrict construction activities, however all local authority restrictions must be complied with. National guidance on social distancing in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should be adhered to off-site.
Going to Work
Workers should work from home where they can. Those who cannot, which includes those who work in construction, manufacturing, logistics and distribution should go to work. These workplaces should be COVID-19 Secure.
Face Coverings
Where workers on site are not required to wear Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) and their workplace meets all the criteria below, employers should make face coverings available and should be worn in an enclosed space, where social distancing isn’t possible and where they come into contact with those they do not normally meet. Face coverings should be worn in canteens expect when seated at a table to eat and drink
Version 6 can be read in full here
BCTA are here to help, if you have any queries or concerns we can be contacted via the usual methods.