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Calibration Laboratories

All equipment must be calibrated by a UKAS (or iLAC) accredited calibration laboratory accredited for the specific class of calibration required. Traceable or verified calibration is not acceptable.

The accuracy of the sound level measurement equipment shall complu and be verified against the accuracy class 0 and 1 as defined in IEC 60651 and IEC 60804. Filters shall comply with the requirements as defined in IEC 61260

Sound calibrators must comply and be verified against the requirements of accuracy class 1 designed in IEC 60942

The reverbation time measurement equipment shall comply with the requirements defined in ISO 354

A tapping machine shall comply and be verified with the details as discussed in Annex A of ISO 140-7

Laboratory Sound Level Meter Calibrator Tapping Machine Speaker Stability Speaker Directivity Link to Website
Campbell Associates
ANV Measurement Systems

Your speaker stability, directivity and tapper machine one off checks can also be done yourself, and the process is detailed in the link below