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The SITMA Certification Scheme

Find out about SITMA and what is required to join the SITMA Certification Scheme.


The SITMA Certification Scheme is a not-for-profit entity that is not owned by any company or other entity. SITMA is part of The Building Compliance Testers Association and is a founding member. The SITMA Directors are all non-executive and voluntary, apart from its scheme director, Barry Cope, and Chair of the Board of Directors, David Pickavance.


As a minimum, all SITMA members must:

  • Hold both Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance

  • Own or rent fully UKAS calibrated sound insulation testing kit

  • Be subject to auditing (at least annually)

  • Record and report their tests using the Lodgement Portal

  • Demonstrate both theoretical and practical ability through examinations

  • Hold locally all relevant documents

    All testers must hold a local copy (hard-copy or digital) of The Building Regulations, BS EN ISO 140-4:1998 & BS EN ISO 140-7:1998, BS EN ISO 354:2008 and The Certification Rules and Requirements

Entry Requirements

In order to ensure the Scheme requirements are fully met, and that all applicants are treated fairly and objectively, SITMA utilities a singular four stage Assessment process.

Step 1

Theory Examination

Step 2

Application to SITMA

Step 3

Initial Review

Step 4

On-site Audit

This four-step process is used to ensure that the scheme requirement have been met and that all applicants are treated fairly and objectively. SITMA requires that all applicants have to successfully complete this process regardless of experience or qualifications.

SITMA Certification Levels

The SITMA Certification Scheme for  Sound Insulation Testers operates with two parts. When applying for SITMA, you may choose one or both parts. 

Part 1

Part 1 testing is for those who will be testing airborne wall and floor testing. This will be done in accordance to BS EN ISO 140-4:1998 and BS EN ISO 717-1:1997

Part 2

Part 2 testing is for those who will be completing impact floor testing. This will be done in accordance to BS EN ISO 140-7:1998 and BS EN ISO 717-2:1997

SITMA Lodgement Portal

Recording tests on the SITMA Lodgement Portal is mandatory for all testers. The Lodgement Portal ensures accurate testing and is required as part of the certification. The Lodgement system saves SITMA members time by.


SITMA employs experienced sound insulation testers and acoustic consultants that conduct audits. Lee Thompson who is employed solely to conduct audits all day every day ensuring testers maintain the high quality that is expected from them.

Membership & Fees

If you’re interested in becoming certified by SITMA then don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions.