TECtite Software Update – 4.0.58

TECTITE ATTMA Software 4.0.58

ATTMA has worked with The Energy Conservatory under its Memorandum of Understanding to introduce TECtite version 4.0.58 on behalf of its members and the wider testing industry. The updated software sees more data being taken from the software, including details of the calibration used, air conditioning and some of the hard data which will allow for more detailed statistical analyses of testing.

The other big change is the re-introduction of Volume, which allows ACH50 to be calculated directly in the software. This is great news for the ATTMA members that conduct passivhaus in accordance with our ATTMA TSL4 test standard.

All ATTMA members will be required to update to Version 4.0.58 before 31st December 2018. The latest software can be downloaded by clicking here: TECtite Version 4.0.58
