Registered Air Tightness Testers - New Zealand

All members of ATTMA are independently audited and certified, with a scope covering air tightness testing to the ATTMA Technical Standards (TSL1 &/or TSL2) and BS EN:13829 (2001), demonstrating knowledge and understanding, which enables them to test both commercial and domestic developments in accordance with relevant building regulations.

The List of Members is shown below:

EA Calculator OnlyAuthorised to carry out Envelope Area and Volume calculations but is not authorised to test
Level 1Air tightness tester able to test dwellings and non-dwellings up to 4000m³ gross envelope volume, tested as a single entity with a single blower door fan.
Level 2Air tightness tester able to test both Level 1 and large buildings up to 80,000m2 external envelope area and/or up to 15 storeys tall. Level 2 testers are able to test buildings defined in Level 1. NOTE – All Level 2 testers are required to have at least one candidate that has the ‘+EA’ level.
Level 3Testers who have been assessed for a higher level of expertise can test Large, Complicated and High Rise (LCHR), phased and zonal hand-over buildings. Level 3 testers are able to test buildings as defined in Level 1 and 2.
SuspendedTesters who have been temporarily removed from the scheme for failure to comply with the scheme rules or companies that have failed to pay the scheme fees. These companies are NOT authorised to test under the ATTMA scheme.
RemovedTesters have been removed from the scheme
WithdrawnTesters have voluntarily withdrawn from the scheme
+EATesters with +EA are competent to carry out envelope area calculations to Level 2 / 3 on behalf of their business. Companies cannot operate at Level 2 or 3 without either an EA Calculator or an engineer with +EA attached to their status.
Provisional Member (International Only)Provisional Members are members that have been desktop audited but have not been physically audited. This only applies to international members where audits cannot always be completed immediately.
Company Office Country Tester ATTMA No. Level 1 Level 2 EA PH Status

Any queries regarding current membership status should be directed to Barry Cope (ATTMA Scheme Manager) to