UK Raises Efforts to Build More Energy Efficient Homes

ATTMA New Building Regulations UK

Efforts to be more energy efficient are being raised throughout the UK by building more energy efficient homes. From Kent to Bristol, and a new Design Air Permeability in Guernsey, air tightness is at the forefront of these developments.


In Kent, Ebbsfleet has approved plans to build 133 carbon efficient homes. The new houses will use solar panels, sustainable drainage and electric vehicle charging. There will be a focus on energy conservation too, with measures such as airtightness, high performance fabrics and glazing and low energy lighting to make sure bills are low, but the homes are energy efficient too.


In Bristol, work has started to make the city carbon neutral by 2030. Passivhaus homes are being built in the new area, using locally sourced natural materials that allow the building to breath. The aim is to have low air leakage, which will reduce bills, as thermal efficiency will be key. The whole house mechanical ventilation with heat recovery and maximum solar gain for light and heat mean that there is a low demand for heating.


Meanwhile in Guernsey, it has just been announced that local building regulations will change in June 2020. The Development & Planning Authority (D&PA) has taken action to promote an improvement of thermal performance and energy efficiency in buildings due to climate change. It’s been recognised that more needs to be done to address climate change at a local and international level.

To help improve the energy efficiency of new and existing building it is proposed to increase the performance requirements. Existing dwellings, which include new build and extensions, should match current English standards, which is appropriate for the Guernsey and its climate.

An increase in the air leakage standard by halve, making the design air permeability decrease from 10 down to 5 m3/h/m2  @ 50Pa, and to improve clearer guidance on a testing regime. The D&PA hope to have approval in March which then would mean these standards coming into force by the end of June 2020

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Ebbsfleet, Kent
