ATTMA Lodgement Update – January 2023

Made improvements to the file upload systemAdded a button and a small file drop area.
File drop areas gives a % uploaded report
Complex Buildings functionUser can select previously uploaded certificates then click the ‘Complex Building’ button
Presented with a model window where the use can enter several values
If EA is not great than combined EA for all selected lodgements the user is warned and the certificate will be created
Property address will be taken from the first uploaded certificate as will the target value
ATTMA AppAdded ability to delete additional rows in Readings tab
Better handling of compartment deletion on the setup page
Fixed bug on Windows version that made ‘change made’ flag active immediately after the test had been changed with the test dropdown
Added an image camera on the set up page as TM23 now needs photos for set ups recorded
Windows Only: added the ability for the program to control the laptop camera
Windows Only: Added a drag and drop file/image feature
General – CompanyAdded a company-wide default value tab on the Company page.
Allows a company to change date format and default Q Value.
General – UserAdded job title and mobile fields to user details
Low Energy CertificatesLow Energy Certificates now subject to all checks that single reports are.
Users will be warned which offending lodgements are stopping certificate creation